just a house

It’s just a house

It’s just our first home

It’s just where we painted and painted and painted

It’s just where our new church family helped us move in

It’s just where our hamster escaped (twice)

It’s just where we got our first dog

It’s just where we came back to after so many trips

It’s just where we celebrated four Christmases

It’s just where we hosted countless friends

It’s just where family stayed with us

It’s just where we got awful news and cried together

It’s just where we had our first (and only) real fight

It’s just where we survived a pandemic

It’s just where we worked and worshiped for months

It’s just where we hosted weekly online trivia

It’s just where we watched every episode of The Office

It’s just where we had small group

It’s just where we started meeting our book-reading goals

It’s just where he finally had his home gym and I learned to crochet

It’s just where we tried to get pregnant

It’s just where we tried everything

It’s just where we birthed our baby girl together

It’s just where we made it through the darkness of postpartum together

It’s just where she learned to laugh, roll over, crawl, stand up, eat solids

It’s just where we celebrated 2, 3, 4, 5 years of marriage together

It’s just where we prayed and decided it wouldn’t be our house any more

It’s just a house

But it was our house

It was where our life happened

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